Countries requesting ISPM 15 treatment

Countries requesting ISPM 15 treatment
Countries requesting treatment ISPM 15

To avoid the risk of spreading of harmful insects which are present in the wood, FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) indicated precise standards for packages.

ISPM15 treatment is required by most countries and packages which do not meet these requirements can be rejected or even destroyed.

Why is the treatment required ?

Wood packaging material is frequently made of raw wood that may not have undergone sufficient processing or treatment to remove or kill pests and therefore becomes a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Furthermore, wood packaging material is very often reused, recycled or re-manufactured: it is therefore difficult to determine the true origin of any piece of wood packaging material and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained. For this reason, FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) has established standards and procedures to comply with in order to eliminate the risk for most quarantine pests that may be associated with that material.

Ispm 15
The mark should at minimum include the:

  • FAO symbol
  • ISO two letter country code followed by a unique number assigned by NPPO (National Plant Protection Organization) to the producer of the wood packaging material, who is responsible for ensuring appropriate wood is used and properly marked
  • IPPC abbreviation for the approved measure used (HT o MB)

Circulation Circulation INTRA-EU do not require the use of packaging marked and treated in accordance with ISPM No. 15 , except those coming from Portugal.

Here follows a list of the countries which require ISPM15 treatment for wooden packages.

Algeria India Dominican Republic
Saudi Arabia Indonesia Russian Federation (Russia)
Argentina Marian Islands Weeks Samoé
Austrlia Virgin Islands Samoé American
Bolivia Israel Senegal
Brazil Kenya Serbia
Canada Korea Seychelles
Chile Lesotho Singapore (Republic of Singapore)
China Lebanon Syria
Colombia Malawi Sri Lanka
Ivory Coast Malaysia United States
Costa Rica Mexico South Africa
Cuba Nicaragua Switzerland
District of Columbia Nigeria Thailand
Ecuador Norway Taiwan
Egypt < td> New Zealand Trinidad and Tobago
Philippines Oman Tunisia
Jamaica Panama Turkey
Japan Paraguay Ukraine
Jordan Peru European Union
Guam French Polynesia Uruguay
Guatemala Portugal Venezuela
Guyana Puerto Rico Vietnam
Honduras Republic of Georgia
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