Countries requesting EUR 1
Eur1 is a document which certifies the EU preferential origin of goods traveling towards Extra – UE countries who have agreed preferential duties with UE.
The customer in this way can reduce or avoid import duties. It can be substituted by a declaration in the invoice for shipments with a value of less than 6000 euro or even more if the company is a AEO. (Authorized Economic Operator). To issue the Eur1, the exporter has to fill in a specific document addressed to the Customs Authorities which has to be presented along with the ID of the person who signs it.
We are at your disposal to provide all the necessary documents according to the Customs Office of departure / arrival of the goods.
South Africa | Gabon | Lesotho | Saint-Eustache |
Albania | Gambia | Lebanon | Saint-Martin |
Algeria | Georgea South | Liberia | Saint Pierre |
Andorra | South Sandwich Islands | Liechtenstein | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Angola | Gaza | Macedonia | Saint’Elena and its dependencies (Ascension Island, Diego Alvarez, or Gough, Trista, da Cunha |
Anguilla | Ghana | Madagascar | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Jamaica | Malawi | |
Aruba td> | Jordan | Mali | Saint Lucia |
Bahamas | Grenada | Morocco td> | Western Samoa |
Barbados | Greenland | Mayotte | Sao Tome and Principe |
Belize | Guatemala | Mexico | Serbia |
Benin | Guyana | Micronesia (Federated states) | Sierra Leone |
Bonaria | Guinea Bissau | Miquelon | Syria |
Bosnia | Guinea Conakry | Montenegro | Somalia |
Botswana | Equatorial Guinea | Montserrat | Suriname |
Bulgaria | Haiti | Monzabico | Switzerland |
Burundi | Iceland | Nauru | Tanzania |
Cameroon | Cook Islands | Niue | Territory British dell’Antartica |
Chad | Falkland Islands | Nicaragua | |
Chile | Faroe Islands | Norway | Serbia |
West Bank | Fiji | New Caledonia | |
Colombia | Islands, Kaiman | Panama | Timor (in the process of joining) |
Comoros | Marshall Islands | Papua Guinea Nuiova | Togo |
Congo (Brazzaville) | Islands Naurizio | Peru | Tonga |
Congo Kinshasa | Solomon Islands | Pitcairn | Trinidad and Tobago |
Ivory Coast | Seychelles | French Polynesia | Tunisia td> |
Costa Rica | Turks and Caicos Islands | Rep. Central Africa | Turkey |
Curacao | British Virgin Islands | rep. Dominican | Tuvalu |
Sunday | Wallis and Futuna Islands | Rep. Nauru | Uganda |
Egypt | Island of Tahiti td> | Rep. Palau | Vanuatu td> |
El Salvador td> | Israel td> | Rwanda | Zambia |
Eritrea | Kenya td> | Romania | Zimbadwe |
Erzegovia | Kiribati td> | Saba | |
Etipia | td> | Nevis Saint Christophe et |