db trans srl • via Aprica, 16 • 20158 Milano • ph: +39 02 6682636 • fax: +39 02 68 86 609 • info@dbtrans.com

Useful information
Sometimes having the correct information can make you save time and problems: in this section you will find some basic and useful information to ship the goods to and from other Countries.
Visit this page to check the Incoterms 2010, the dimensions and characteristics of the airfreight and sea freight containers, countries for which it is required the issuing of Eur1 or the use of packages meeting ISPM15 requirements, the days in which Trucks cannot circulate and some information on dangerous goods.
Incoterms 2010
Incoterms (international commercial terms) state the rules valid all over the world who identify without doubts who has to paid what and the responsibility for each part of the shipment, for Duties...Sea container specification
A good loading plan is mostly important to optimize the costs. here you will find the container specification in terms of measurements (in mm) and weight (in kgs). The characteristics are indicative as they...Air container specification
A Unit Load Device (ULD), is a pallet or container used for the transportation of goods on aircrafts. In this page you’ll find the measurement and technical details for each kind of ULD....Traffic restrictions 2016
Traffick restrictions usually applies in peak season period, in which time is essential for shipments to leave. Here follows the dates during the year in which trucks >7,5 tons cannot circulate. Our staff...Countries requesting ISPM 15 treatment
To avoid the risk of diffusion of harmful insects which are present in the wood, FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) indicated precise standards for packages. ISPM15 treatment is required...Countries requesting EUR 1
Eur1 is a document which certifies the EU preferential origin of goods traveling towards Extra – UE countries who have agreed preferential duties with UE. The customer in this way can reduce or...Dangerous goods
Dangerous goods transportation is strictly regulated according to the kind of material transported and to the means of transportation involved. Each operator involved in the shipment has its own duty: the shipper has...